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Rizzo Winery Estate Pinot Noir R...

Rizzo Winery

Wall of Wine

Bridger PTA

For just $20, you can purchase a "mystery" bottle of wine--it may be a great bottle, but it will certainly be a good one.  Take a chance and you may come away with a new favorite wine.

You may take the bottle home or open it and enjoy at the event. We'll have an opener ready for you!

For just $20, you can purchase a "mystery" bottle of wine--it may be a great bottle, but it will certainly be a good one.  Take a chance and you may come away with a new favorite wine.

You may take the bottle home or open it and enjoy at the event. We'll have an opener ready for you!

For just $20, you can purchase a "mystery" bottle of wine--it may be a great bottle, but it will certainly be a good one.  Take a chance and you may come away with a new favorite wine.

You may take the bottle home or open it and enjoy at the event. We'll have an opener ready for you!