Auction Catalog

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Displaying items 1 - 12 of 13 in total

50/50 Raffle

Bridger PTA

5th Grade Beach Trip BeesWax Wraps

Bridger 5th Grade

Bridger T-Shirt: Kids

Bridger PTA

Bridger T-Shirt: Womens

Bridger PTA

Bridger T-Shirts: Mens

Bridger PTA

Heads or Tails (Wine Tasting Pac...

Soter Vineyards, Trisaetum Vineyards

Heads or Tails Game

Bridger PTA

Prepaid Drink Tickets - 1 for $6

Bridger PTA

Sample Raffle Ticket

Sample Donor
Use the Item Type "Raffle" for any game of chance with a fixed price to play.
Use the Item Type "Raffle" for any game of chance with a fixed price to play.
Use the Item Type "Raffle" for any game of chance with a fixed price to play.

Sample Raffle Ticket (1)

Sample Donor
Use the Item Type "Raffle" for any game of chance with a fixed price to play.
Use the Item Type "Raffle" for any game of chance with a fixed price to play.
Use the Item Type "Raffle" for any game of chance with a fixed price to play.

Sample Silent Auction Item

Sample Donor

Succulent Centerpieces

Alma Herrera